Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Making it over the Hump

Happy Hump Day,
After a 6:00am walk with Sambreigh, who later returned to bed.

I enjoyed my shot of Espresso, only because I was out coffee with some coconut milk.

So Benefits of Coconut Milk .......

For centuries cultures around the world have revered and relied upon coconut for its nutritional powers and infinite practical uses. Native tradition attributes healing and life-giving properties to the fruit-bearing palm, which is why it is often called, ‘Tree of Life’.
In western society, the health benefits of coconuts are just beginning to be understood. The mystery appears to be in the favorable fats found in coconut.
Although coconut contains saturated fat, a closer examination shows that not all saturated fats pose a health problem. Saturated fat chains exist in a variety of lengths which impact the body differently.
Research has demonstrated that Long Chain Triglycerides (LCT) represent the most sinister saturated fat. LCTs exist primarily in foods derived from animals and have been linked to heart disease and a number of other chronic conditions. The body stores LCTs as fat. Americans consume an excess amount of animal-sourced LCT, which drives many of the health problems in this country.
Coconut represents a vegetarian-sourced saturated fat consisting of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA). Scientists have long recognized MCFAs such as lauric and capric acid for their anti-viral and anti-microbial properties. The body utilizes MCFAs as energy instead of storing them as fat.


Here are just a few health benefits ascribed to coconut:
  • Coconut consuming cultures around the world have lower incidence of heart disease than Americans.1 Fife, Bruce C.N., N.D., 'The Coconut Oil Miracle' Penguin Group, New York, NY 2004, pg. 5.
  • Lauric acid exists abundantly in coconut and plays a fundamental role in building our body’s immune system. Once in our system it transforms into an antibacterial and antiviral substance called "monolaurin" which destroys viruses and diseases.2 Enig, Mary PhD and Sandy Fallon "Eat Fat, Lose Fat." Penguin Group, New York, NY 2006, pg. 48.
  • Lauric acid also occurs naturally in human breast milk and plays a vital role in nourishing and protecting babies from infections.3 Goh, John "Take Lauric Acid for a Strong Immune System." Nov. 19, 2006.
  • MCFAs promote weight maintenance without raising cholesterol levels. They work best for preventing weight gain if you’re not overweight or maintaining your new weight after a successful diet.4 St. Onge, Marie-Pierre PhD and Peter J.H. Jones PhD "Journal of Nutrition" 1999-2002.

And a fresh bottle of lemon water.

Outfit for the day.

Happy Hump Day Ya'll

Elp Me.....Erika Leigh Phillips

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